Geoinformation manipulation  

The objectives of this course are: o to provide students knowledge about different forms of geoinformation and possibilities of different ways of their input into computer's memory, about reference coordinate systems and transformations between them o to train students for interpretation and application of different functions to customize and edit geoinformation, for their analyzing and presentation of results, for insight into importance of quality, intellectual property and copyright of geoinformation o to continue development of knowledge and skills that students have acquired in the course Basics of Geoinformaticsand to give wider insight into the issues that will processed more detailed in other courses Learning outcomes Understand the role of geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data in modern world, demonstrate competences in measuring systems, methods and technologies of measurement and spatial data collection. Demonstrate competences in regulations and administrative framework important for geodesy and geoinformatics, the regulations related to copyright, publishing and exchange of spatial data.Define reference coordinate systems and implement data transformations between different coordinate systems or to common coordinate system Define and explain various forms of input of geoinformation into a computer memory and choose most convenient way of geoinformation storage Interpret and apply different functions for customize and editing geoinformation, and choose method of assigning attributs to geoinformation Analyze selected geoinformation at various levels and present results in graphical form (map and/or report) Explain importance of intellectual property and copyright and access to geoinformation Define concept of data quality
Geoinformation manipulation

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